Privacy Policy

In this agreement, the words “you” and “your” mean any person, or that person’s authorized representative,who has requested from us, or offered to provide a guarantee for, any product, service or account offeredby us in Canada. The words “we”, “us” and “our” mean Lendle Corporation, which includes any affiliatesthat provide deposit, investment, loan, securities, trusts, insurance and any other products or services. Theword “Information” means personal, financial, and other details about you that you provide to us and weobtain from others outside Lendle Corporation, including through products and services you use. You acknowledge, authorize and agree as follows:

Collecting and Using Your Information

At the time you request to begin a relationship upon completion of your loan application, and during thecourse of our relationship, we may collect Information about you, including but not limited to:

  • Personal details about you and your background, including but not limited to your full legal name,address, contact information, date of birth, occupation, gender and other means of identification
  • Records that reflect your dealings with and through us
  • Your banking information, such as 3 months bank statement, direct deposit form, etc.
  • Your preferences and activities

This information may be collected from you and from sources within or outside of Lendle Corporation,including from:

  • Government agencies and registries, law enforcement authorities and public records
  • Corporations or entities in a technology sector, including but not limited to, Dex, Hotjar, Facebook,Google, Plaid and any other technology-related corporation or entities
  • Credit reporting agencies
  • Other financial or lending agencies
  • Organizations with whom you make arrangements, other service providers or agents, includingpayment card networks references or other information you provide
  • Persons authorized to act on your behalf under a power of attorney or other legal authority
  • Your interactions with us, including in person, over the phone, at the ATM, on your mobile deviceor through email or the Internet records that reflect your dealings with and through us

You authorize the collection of Information from these sources and, if applicable, you authorize thesesources to give us the Information.You further authorize the collection and use of Information to what we require in order to serve you as ourcustomer and to administer our business, which includes the following:

  • Verify your identity
  • Evaluate and process your application, accounts, transactions and reports
  • Provide you with ongoing service and information related to the products, accounts and services youhold with us
  • Analyze your needs and activities to help us serve you better and develop new products and services
  • Help protect you and us against fraud and error
  • Help manage and assess our risks, operations and relationship with you
  • Help us collect a debt or enforce an obligation owed to us by you
  • Comply with applicable laws and requirements of regulators, including self-regulatory organizations
Disclosing Your Information

During the course of our relationship, we may disclose your Information to legal authorities or to thirdparties upon request. This information is solely used for the purpose of conducting business activities,including but not limited to as follows:

  • With your consent
  • In response to a court order, search warrant or other demand or request, which we believe to bevalid
  • To meet requests for information from regulators, including self-regulatory organizations of whichwe are a member or participant, or to satisfy legal and regulatory requirements applicable to us
  • To suppliers, agents, third party entities or individuals and any other organizations that performservices for you or for us or on our behalf
  • To payment card networks in order to operate of administer the payment card system that supportsthe products or services or accounts you have with us (including for any product or servicesprovided or made available by the payment card network as part of your product, services oraccounts with us), or for any contests or other promotions they may make available to you
  • On the death of a joint account holder with right of survivorship, we may release any informationregarding the joint account up to the date of death to the estate representative of the deceased,except in Quebec where the liquidator is entitled to all account information up to and after the dateof death
  • When we buy a business or sell all or part of our business or when considering those transactions
  • To help us collect a debt or enforce an obligation owed to us by you
  • Where permitted by law
Sharing Information Within Lendle Corporation

Within Lendle Corporation we may share Information world-wide, other than health-relatedInformation, for the following purposes:

  • To manage your total relationship within Lendle Corporation, including servicing your accountsand maintaining consistent Information about you
  • To manage and assess our risks and operations, including to collect debt owed to us by you
  • To comply with legal or regulatory requirements

With respect to these marketing purposes, you may choose not to have us

  • Contact you occasionally either by telephone, fax, text message, internet, mail, email, or all ofthese methods, with offers that may be of interest to you
  • Contact you to participate in customer research and surveys
Telephone and Internet Discussions

When speaking with one of our telephone service representatives,internet live chat agents, or messaging with us through social media, we may monitor and/or record ourdiscussions for our mutual protection, to enhance customer service and to confirm our discussions withyou.

Disclaimer and Warning About Sharing Personal Information Online

You acknowledge that when sharing personal information online, there isalways a risk of data breaches,including data breaches in which third parties unlawfully access our systems, or the systems of our third-party providers, which store personal information. While we take measures to protect personal information, you agree that, to the fullest extent permitted bylaw, in no event will we, our affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, contractors, agents, orthird-party providers be liable, howsoever caused, including by way of negligence, for the loss or theft ofyour personal information or any damages caused as a result thereof, so long as we were not directly andgrossly negligent in the protection of said Information.

Sharing Information Within Lendle Corporation

This Privacy Agreement must be read together with our Terms & Conditions of Use. You acknowledgethat the Terms & Conditions of Use forms part of the Privacy Agreement. You acknowledge that we may amend this Privacy Agreement or Terms & Conditions of Use from timeto time. We will post the revised Privacy Agreement and Terms & Conditions of Use on our website. Youacknowledge, authorize, and agree to be bound by such amendments.